Admissions (2024-2025)
Thank you for your interest in The Math & Science High School. , Chesterfield County Public Schools uses an online application System. Starting in October, families will have the ability to create an account to submit an application to the MathSci Specialty Center using CCPS Opportunities. Along with your transcripts and recommendations being completed through this system, CCPS will also distribute acceptance and wait-list notifications.
Specialty Center Fairs:
- October 1st: Thomas Dale High School
- October 9th: Clover Hill High School
When completing your application be sure to:
- Include all of your activities and interest.
- Ask a current math or science teacher (8th grade) for a recommendation.
- Ask a second "core" (included a high school level foreign language) teacher, 7th or 8th grade, for a recommendation.
- Complete the MathSci Assessment in January. More details to follow.
- Communicate with the MathSci Office if you have any questions.
Admissions Criteria
A local admissions committee will consider the following criteria in making admissions decisions:
- Proper math placement entering the program.
- Must have completed Algebra I.
- Middle School Transcripts.
- Grades and Rigor.
- Complete MathSci Placement Assessments.
- Strong application, demonstrating leadership, community service, participation in activities, awards and other interests.
- A confidential recommendation from a current math or science teacher (8th grade).
- A second confidential recommendation from a middle school academic teacher (7th or 8th grade).
- English, Math, Science, History, or World Language.
- Please do not use the same teacher for both recommendations.
Admissions Testing (2024-2025)
We will use standardized test scores to assess your present level of performance in reading, writing, and math (MAPs: Math and a center created assessment). A Critical Thinking Prompt and Reading Comprehension Admissions Test will be administered at Clover Hill High School for applicants in January.
- Tentative Testing Dates for MathSci
- January 15 (am)
- January 18 (pm)
- January 22 (pm)
- Snow dates may be added at a later date
- If you are applying from a private school or home school, the MathSci Office will contact you to set up testing.
- A registration form will be sent to all applicants in December.
Admissions Timeline
- Acceptances and students eligible for the waitlist will be distributed through CCPS Opportunities in March.
- After offers have been distributed there is an opportunity for students to return to Clover Hill to ask questions and explore our electives.
- Wait list admissions begins following the March deadline for initial offers. We will continue offering placement of open seats through until the start of the new school year.