At the Math and Science High School our curriculum is constructed to enhanced the skills in self-directed learning, problem solving and critical thinking. It is designed to immerse the students into the subjects they study through their "core" courses. The teachers here design their classes with a special goal in mind, getting you to think well within their content area. Our history teachers want you to think like a historian and our science teachers want you to think like a scientist, so that is the reason why our students conduct three years of research across multiple disciplines to have that real-world applicable experience.
Our curriculum is constantly evolving to reflect best practices in education. As a program, we are the first school approved to be an AP Capstone Diploma high school in Chesterfield County. In addition to complementing our course sequencing, the addition of AP Seminar and AP Research will give our students an additional robust experience in cross-curricular research, project management, and an independent study.
What sets Math/Sci apart?
Students must complete Math/Sci core classes in their sequence (World History 1 , AP European History; English 9, 10 & M/S AP Lit; Biology, Chemistry & M/S AP Physics 1; Integrated Pre-calculus 1, 2 & 3 or Advanced Pre-calculus 1 & 2) while also meeting all Advanced Diploma requirements, per VDOE. Math Sci core class requirements are specified in italics below the Advanced Diploma requirements outlined below:
Advanced Diploma with Math Sci Diploma Seal - 28 Credits
English........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Credits
M/S Eng 9, M/S Eng 10, M/S AP Lit
Mathematics..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Credits
Intg Pre-Calc 1, 2 & 3 or Adv Pre-Calc 1 & 2
Science.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Credits
M/S Bio, M/S Chem, M/S AP Physic 1
Social Studies............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Credits
M/S World 1, M/S AP European History, M/S AP Government
Foreign Language.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Credits
(same language for 3 years or 2 years each of 2 languages)
Health and Physical Education..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Credits
Economics/Personal Finance ……………………………………………..…..…….............................................................................................................................................................1 Credit
Research (M/S Bio & M/S Chemistry complete the first two years)................................................................................................................................................................................1 Credit
Historical Research either Junior or Senior year
Advanced Research: AP Seminar (Junior Year) then AP Research (Senior Year)
Electives……………..................................................................................................................................................................………………………………..............................................4 Credits
(Suggested Credit Elective Tracks)
Performing Arts: Band (Band, Wind Ens., Symphonic…), Chorus (Mixed Choir, Girls Show Choir, Jazz Show Choir), Orchestra (Interim/Advanced Orchestra, Advanced Music Theory), Theatre
Visual Arts: Art I/II/III (AP), Graphic Design (AP), Photo/Video (AP)
Computer Science: Intro. Computer Principles, AP Computer Science, AP Computer Principles A, Java
Technical Drawing/Design (w/3D Printing): Technical Drawing (AutoCAD), Engineering Drawing, Architectural Drawing, Advancing Drawing
Marketing: Marketing, Digital Marketing or Marketing Management
IT Fundamentals: IT Fundamentals, Design/Multimedia & Web Technology
Chesterfield Tech Center (contact your counselor for details):
TOTAL...........................................................................................28 Credits (minimum)
*Because the highly talented students in Math Sci are competitively selected from all high schools in the county, the program neither ranks students nor recognizes a valedictorian or salutatorian.
Additional State Graduation Requirements and Program Requirements:
Earn 5 verified credits/pass 5 SOLs
Earn a board-approved CTE credential OR complete an AP or Honors class: Students can earn a CTE credential through Econ/Pers. Finance (or other CTE courses)
Acquire & demonstrate foundational skills in critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship, per The Profile of a Virginia Graduate (to be defined by VDOE).
Required Math/Sci “M/S” core classes cannot be replaced with AP/DE courses.
“DE” denotes “Dual Enrollment” level course. There is separate paperwork & certain test scores that must be submitted to be able to take a DE class.
Students taking Integrated Pre-Calc 1 will take the GEOMETRY SOL.
Students taking Integrated Pre-Calc 2 or Advanced Pre-Calc 1 will take the ALG 2 SOL.
There is no specific community service requirement for Math Sci, though students are strongly encouraged to get involved in as many ways as possible. Some clubs/honor societies may have requirements.
Electives have been divided into suggested 2 credit sequencing/tracks to give students an opportunity to explore interests.
10. Research: Students are required to complete 3 years of research.
- Elective/course offerings are subject to change each school year.
- Elective changes cannot be made after course request forms are due.
11. Math/Sci students are not required to take an online class to make space for program requirements. Taking a class through CCPS Online or Summer School may open up a space in the schedule, but students are not guaranteed any specific alternate class. Please visit for details.
- Students conduct research in their M/S Biology (9th grade) and M/S Chemistry (10th grade) to complete their first two levels of research.
- Junior (or senior) year, students can choose either a STEM/Humanities based research project through Historical Research or an Advanced Research Track through the AP Seminar/AP Research sequencing.
*Levels may be dependent on teacher recommendations or pre-requisites.
**Additions and deletions may be made to these lists from year to year.

The Math and Science High School is a member of the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools to better align our curriculum with best practices found in the nations' top schools. The National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools (NCSSS) was established in 1988 to provide a forum for specialized secondary schools focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines to exchange information and program ideas. Celebrating their anniversary in 2018, the Consortium now includes approximately 100 member schools (high schools), many ‘ranked’ as the best in the country, along with 55 affiliate members (colleges, universities, summer programs, foundations, and corporations) located in 32 states, that share the goals of transforming mathematics, science, and technology education.
Their Beliefs:
The National Consortium of Specialized STEM Schools believes that:
- Each person has intrinsic worth.
- Nurturing creativity is essential for expanding human potential.
- People develop best in communities that are safe, compassionate, and open-minded.
- Honesty and integrity are essential elements for healthy human relationships.
- Learning is a lifelong process.
- People have the responsibility to care for the environment.
- In all areas of human endeavor, the search for truth is a worthy pursuit.
- Appreciation of cultural diversities is essential for people to participate in a global community.
- Individual potential is independent of gender, race, and socioeconomic status.
Click on the link below to visit the NCSSS homepage to learn more.
AP Capstone™ is a College Board program that equips students with the independent research, collaborative teamwork, and communication skills that are increasingly valued by colleges. AP Capstone comprises two AP courses—AP Seminar and
AP Research—and is designed to complement and enhance the discipline-specific study in other AP courses.
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing receive the AP Capstone Diploma™. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research but not on four additional AP Exams receive the AP Seminar and Research Certificate™.